
February 2024

Exhibition launch at ANZAMEMS 2024

The Wars in the Workshop Project will launch their first digital exhibition at the ANZAMEMS 2024 conference, hosted at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch.

November 2022

The Team images the Society of Antiquaries’s Chronicle Roll

The Wars in the Workshop Project Team and NTU’s Mobile ISAAC Lab worked on imaging and data capturing the Society of Antiquaries’s 47ft-long Chronicle Roll.

Read more about the work here.

View the digitized manuscript here.

March 2022

Natasha Hodgson spoke about the project at the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies in March 2022.

November 2021

The NTU ISAAC lab, headed by distinguished professor Haida Liang, received the Queens Anniversary Prize for ‘Digitisation and imaging technology applied to the preservation and conservation of iconic cultural heritage artefacts and sites in the UK and other countries’.

May 2020

In May 2020 the Canterbury Roll project was included as the basis for a training module on the EU PARTHENOS programme website, an important EU funded resource featuring a range of online modules and supporting materials for DH training. View the module here.

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The preliminary work undertaken on the Canterbury Roll has featured in a number of international news publications and reports: